Have You Been in the Word Today?

“Have you been in the Word today?” my friend gently and lovingly asked after listening to me talk (aka complain) about my day. I had been easily frustrated and annoyed by my children, anxious about a potential work client, jealous of my friend’s new house, and discontent with my current circumstances. I had spent time doing everything except seeking the Lord. As a result, her question resonated deeply in the hardened walls of my heart.

The question wasn’t asked to bring shame or condemnation, instead, my friend loved me enough to offer admonishment and point out my desperate need for the Lord. 

The truth is, apart from Christ, we are sinful and as the old hymn says, “prone to wander and leave the God we love.” Knowing this, daily time in the Word should not and can not be optional. It always teaches, reproves, corrects, and trains our hearts (2 Timothy 3:16). And because we are quick to forget, the time we spent yesterday is not sufficient for today. Our hearts need to daily draw near.

Daily Dependence

The Israelites learned a similar lesson in Exodus 16. 

After they left Egypt, the Israelites found themselves wandering in the desert, starving, complaining, and wrongly wishing to return to bondage. The Lord heard their grumbling (v.12) and decided to provide daily sustenance for His people.

Each morning manna from Heaven appeared on the ground for the people to gather. The only requirement was this: that they only gather what they needed for each day (with the exception of a double portion the day before the Sabbath). The Lord wanted His people to daily depend on Him.

If the people gathered too much, it stank and bred worms. If they didn’t gather enough for the Sabbath, none was offered and they went hungry. Both dependence and obedience were required.

The same is required of us. We must depend daily on the Lord to provide through His Word and faithfully obey the commands we receive.

That the Word Of Christ May Dwell In You

In Colossians, Paul shared a similar truth with believers in the church at Colossae.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” - Colossians 3:16

What we surround ourselves with is what will dwell in our hearts. The day I failed to spend time in the Word, I made a way for bitterness, jealousy, and discontent to dwell. On the other hand, if we faithfully choose to read the Word, truth, thanksgiving, and encouragement will take root. 

We also see that we need each other. 

My friend’s wise admonishment softened my heart and changed my steps. She pushed me to seek the Lord. When we gather together to read the Word, spend time in worship, and teach each other, we pave the path for the Word of Christ to richly dwell in our hearts.

Have you been in the Word today? Take some time to evaluate what’s dwelling in your heart and seek the Lord’s daily provision today. 


Lord, I Want to Be More Like You


Teaching and Training: Why We Should Intentionally Invest in Others