Lacking One Thing
Samantha Decker Samantha Decker

Lacking One Thing

Excitedly, I loaded up the kids, packed snacks, and headed out of the house (which was a big deal at the start of a global pandemic) to get my grocery pick-up order knowing this meant I could get groceries with no hassle, no unneeded purchases, and no stress. Even though I dreamed of casually browsing the aisles of Target without my kids in tow, grocery pick-up orders had become one of the things I had learned to love during this season.

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Scribbles & the Sovereignty of God
Samantha Decker Samantha Decker

Scribbles & the Sovereignty of God

“You’ll just have to wait and see, momma” my three-year-old exclaimed when I asked what he was drawing. After a few minutes of carefully choosing colors, considering placement, and focusing intently, he proudly held up a page full of what looked like scribbles to me. However, in his vivid imagination, the squiggles at the top were airplanes and the chaotic, mismatched lines I saw were actually zoo animals waving at the plane above. I needed his help to see and to know what the strokes he worked hard on were made to create.

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